Now you have to lift up your awareness to the middle point of your eyebrows, while pronouncing the mantra 'OM'. You have to repeat this mantra without any interruption and follow its natural flow, over and over again. Follow the vibration and the rhythm embedded into it. Be careful about how the mantra 'OM' merges with the persistent form of vibration. Be aware of the fact that the mind has no constituents, however, originating from a distinctive source of air, water, fire, and earth. Be aware that the karmendriya is on the action by virtue of creation, procreation, embracement, movement and elimination. Sense how the chakra located at this position has no elements, however, acts as a recipient of all the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Be aware of how the subtle senses coming from the inside of the subtle memories and experiences. Experience how the mantra 'OM' manifests itself beyond all senses experienced in and as in this materialistic plane.
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on Saturday, October 4, 2008
at Saturday, October 04, 2008
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