permanent link: How to Enlighten Visuddha Chakra
Now bring your attention at throat point, the point where fifth chakra or Visuddha chakra lies. This is the point of emergence of space. This space allows air, fire, water and earth in order. When you are here, you should be aware of the characteristics of the space itself. You must allow the mantra 'Ham' to arise, naturally without any induced effort. Repeat it on a continuous basis. You need to do a persistent reverberating this mantra through the apparent manifest of the empty space of the inner world. At this stage, an awareness of the Karmendriya of speech is evoked. This helps in understanding the vibration of speech in the emptiness of inner world. On the other hand, Jnanendriya of hearing is evoked to understand how the natural alignment of speech and vibration of mantra occur with the space. Color and sound are perceived and disappeared.
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on Monday, September 29, 2008
at Monday, September 29, 2008
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