How to Enlighten Manipura Chakra  

Posted by Saki S in

permanent link: How to Enlighten Manipura Chakra

You need to extremely aware about the transition when your attention travels from Svadhistana Chakra to Manipura Chakra. You now need to focus on naval center – the point positioned along the Sushunma Granthi or Spinal Channel. At this point, you need to arouse your attention with the mantra Ram and you need to repeat it on a continuous basis. Don’t ever try to impose anything artificially when setting up the speed and flow of the mantra. Allow the natural flow and speed.

Focus on the specific space and experience the point, no matter what the size is. Allow yourself to perceive different elements of fire and experience the subtle form of body throughout. Arouse your awareness about the Karmendriya of motion, and perceive how motion manifests its different form in energies, physical bodies, and psychological entities. Arouse your awareness about the Jnanendriya of observation and perceive the manifestation of the movement between fire and motion. Once again, the perception of color and sound may differ from person to person.

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 21, 2008 at Sunday, September 21, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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